Lupus Night Light
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Click one of the stories below to read the words of a lupus patient.
Growing up around Lupus
My mom was diagnosed with lupus in her 20’s, years before she had me. She then started working at the Lupus Foundation of America, Greater Ohio Chapter (LFA, GOC) in 2008. I grew up around lupus and the LFA, GOC. I have gone from volunteering at walks and stuffing...
My Post-COVID Lessons
What an incredible journey we have all been through. I was certainly not prepared for a pandemic. I thought it only happened in the movies. To live through it and survive is beyond my mental being. As I reflect on the past year, I know there will be several novels...
Is it Safe Yet? But it’s Springtime!
As more and more people become vaccinated and Spring arrives, there appears to be a sense of optimism that we can go back to a normal, pre-COVID world. The reality is our normal may look vastly different for a while. As cases of COVID -19 still rise across the...
Bad Med Day
I am looking forward to my three-day weekend. I am, for the first time, almost caught up on my workload. I am pondering what I should do with all this precious time which is a real treat for me. Seldom do I get this type of luxury. The sun is shining, and the sky is...
Making Strides: The First-Ever FDA-Approved Lupus Nephritis Drug We are making great strides even when the world is upside-down. As many of you know, I have been around for decades in the war against lupus. I am thrilled to share this news with you. As I have...
Hanging onto Stuff
During the past year, I have been spending more time at home like many of you. Before COVID, I always kidded around, saying I was so busy with lupus stuff; I would just visit my house and my husband. I can hardly remember being at home during the weekends or at night....
What’s Your Story
So, what is your story? This week, I received a bill from my favorite florist. It was over $500. I had chest pains when I opened it. The last time I spent that much on flowers was for one of my kids' weddings. I wish the orders were for happy occasions. They were not....
It is an ugly stormy morning. All night, the rain hit the windows and the trees smacked against each other. The dark gloomy skies and the bold blasts of thunder were enough to make anyone want to hide under their blanket. It starts with a headache, then overall body...