Toolkit for Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare Professionals Toolkit
We are here to help you lead your patients in areas of education, resources, and support. Together, we can be successful at making the lupus journey manageable. While we wait for the cause and cure for lupus, we hope you find these resources helpful.
Understanding Lupus
Diagnostic Tools
Physician Resources
- Lupus Clinical Trial Directory
- The ANA Positive Patient: Do’s and Don’ts
- Depression and Mental Health Resource Guide
- List of Patient Assistance Programs at Individual Pharmaceutical/Biotech Companies
- General Prescription Medication Assistance Programs
- Resources for Caregivers/Family Members
- Organizations that Offer Financial Assistance
- Grief and Loss Support Referrals
- Educational Resources on Health Insurance/Health Services Access
- Organizations that Provide Legal Assistance
- Pain Management Resources
- Social Security Disability Resources
- Sun Protection Products
Other Provider Resources
- Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Signs and Symptoms for Early Recognition
- Lupus Ohio Mobile App
- New Patient Education Classes
- Finding a Doctor
- Professional Organizations that Offer Physician Referrals
- Lupus Clinical Trial Directory
- List of Treatments Being Studied for Lupus
- Medical & Drug Assistance Programs for Patients
- Resources for Patients Transitioning from Pediatric to Adult Care
Health Disparity and Cultural Competence Resources
A compendium of resources for healthcare providers on lupus in specific communities and populations, the causes and impacts of disparities in health and health care, and the provision of culturally competent care. Learn more
Watch Dr. Kenol discuss lupus and disparities at our second Virtual Lupus Summit