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Lupus Night Light

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New Blogs

Check out our blog stories below! Be sure to subscribe to be notified of new stories.

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Click one of the stories below to read the words of a lupus patient.

Michael’s Story

So it's men's health month, and I'm a male who has been living with Lupus my entire life.  I'm moody, irritable, and in pain all day everyday.  I've had over 4 surgeries in the past 3 years.  My bones hurt, my joints hurt, and i'm on a handful of medications that I...

Sun Safety for Lupus Patients

  Hey warriors,  it’s that time of year where we talk about sun safety! As many of you know lupus and the sun don’t mix very well.  This is due to lupians’ increased sensitivity to sunlight, which can trigger flare-ups and worsen symptoms. As we approach the...

Lupus Awareness Month 2023

`May is Lupus Awareness Month! Each year we make a great effort to bring lupus to the forefront of the public eye. We do so in many ways, through radio, TV, billboards, social media, city proclamations, educational programs, kiosks, websites, and so much more. It is...

Come out, come out wherever you are!

  As the Ohio winter turns into spring, flowers and trees bloom, and our nights become filled with the sound of crickets and spring peepers, it is a perfect opportunity for self evaluation and reflection, and that's exactly what we’ve been doing the last few...

A Lupus Love Story

Justina and Kyle Patterson     How and when did you meet? We met at a very young age in school. Kyle’s sister and I were in the same class. But we did not officially start dating until after we graduated high school in 2015. We got married in 2022.   ...

Warrior Spotlight – Brittney Bailey

Brittney's Story   Brittney Bailey is a Lupus Warrior who has faced many health problems. Around age 13, she noticed that her toes were constantly numb and drained of color. Then, they started turning purple and felt painfully cold. Brittney’s pediatrician told...

Making 2023 Our Best Year Yet

Lupians Unite! As we round the corner towards 2023 I thought it was a good time to reflect not only on the last year, but also the chapter as a whole.  It has been a privilege to serve as the leader for this chapter for several decades. It brings me great joy to see...

The Connection Between Giving and Gratitude

The Connection Between Giving and Gratitude It’s the time of year when giving is on everybody’s mind. It often feels overwhelming to be asked to donate to so many causes. Feed the hungry, clothe the poor, and do more. How does one even begin to feel worthy if they...

Because of Lupus…

It was a clear, sunny summer morning. I did not have any lupus symptoms other than the usual swollen hands and feet that goes away after I stretch. I had gotten ready for my internship and had some time to spare before I left.  I decided to take my dog out one last...

Purple Pledge

Purple Pledge

Help Raise Awareness! May is Lupus Awareness Month! It is a name to be taken literally. We put extra effort into letting the world know about lupus. We educate communities and join together to raise funds and awareness of lupus. We let the world know what lupus is,...

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