OSHIIP an Empowering Resource for Ohioans During Medicare Open Enrollment

Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information program
I am excited to announce the start of our Ohio Senior Health Insurance Information Program’s (OSHIIP) annual statewide Medicare Checkup events.
These free, virtual and in-person events are a tremendous opportunity for the nearly 2.5 million Ohioans on Medicare and in open enrollment, which runs Oct. 15 to Dec. 7, to get unbiased help sorting out health insurance coverage that will best suit their needs for next year.
The events cover Medicare basics, plan comparisons, prescription drug coverage, financial assistance, and cost-saving tips. Prior to Oct. 15, the focus is on educational sessions. Once open enrollment begins, OSHIIP’s Medicare experts provide personalized plan comparisons and one-on-one counseling.
With Medicare plan coverage changing annually, it is essential that Ohioans review their options and research covered prescription drugs and in-network health care providers, even if they are interested in staying in their same plan. We are also warning Ohioans to guard against advertising and sales pitches that overreach as well as scams.
Ohioans may encounter a flood of ads promoting “the best” Medicare plans. Caution is advised as some offers might seem too good to be true. Know what marketers are prohibited from doing. To combat scams, guard personal information and avoid giving money in exchange for services like enrollment help or prescription plan sign-ups.
At the Ohio Department of Insurance, we are here to help. OSHIIP’s Medicare experts are ready to empower Ohioans on all of these fronts. The state’s official Medicare educational and counseling support program, OSHIIP saved Ohioans more than $42.5 million over the past year through its efforts assisting those on Medicare.
Ohioans can find the Medicare Checkup events schedule, search by county, and register for events and webinars, at insurance.ohio.gov. For personalized OSHIIP assistance, Ohioans can schedule virtual appointments, email oshiipmail@insurance.ohio.gov, and call 800-686-1578.