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Come out, come out wherever you are!

by | Mar 24, 2023


As the Ohio winter turns into spring, flowers and trees bloom, and our nights become filled with the sound of crickets and spring peepers, it is a perfect opportunity for self evaluation and reflection, and that’s exactly what we’ve been doing the last few weeks. Where are we as a chapter? As a community? What does the future hold? All questions that have been at the top of our mind lately.

The pandemic forced the world into a hibernation of sorts. In person interaction ceased, while digital gathering and communication became the new normal. Slowly, but surely, the world has returned to a pre-covid way of life, but we’ve noticed our lupus community remains in hibernation. The reasons are both obvious and understandable. For lupus warriors, and other immunocompromised individuals, protecting yourself from any virus or illness should always be a priority. Healthy individuals will never be able to understand that fear. So who better to surround yourself with in times like these, than your fellow lupians?

This year our chapter has committed itself to returning from hibernation and returning to regular in person gatherings! AND, we want you to join us in this commitment and help us reunite as a community again. The majority of our support groups have returned to in person meetings, find yours here! We would love to see you at one of our groups!

We are also holding our first ever Minority Health Retreat on April 14th & 15th, register here! We will address misnomers by educating, sharing stories, having fun, and supporting each other in our lupus journeys! Connect with other lupus patients and learn medical information about your disease to help you be more successful in your journey.

We’re going to be releasing the details for this year’s walks very soon, and we’ll need committed team captains to help rally the troops! Our walks are some of the most important events we hold because they are our largest fundraisers each year. It’s up to YOU and your team to make the difference! Make sure to register as soon as we release the details.

All of these events are just a taste of what’s to come and we are very excited for what the future holds. So come on warriors, it’s time to end our hibernation and gather as a community again. Let’s come out of hiding together! The last few years have forced us to become invisible but the time has come to make lupus visible again.

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